ER Productions WOWs audiences at the 2014 BRITS with amazing laser sho | Pangolin Laser Systems

ER Productions WOWs audiences at the 2014 BRITS with amazing laser show

The BRITS 2014 was the biggest BRITS to date so it also needed the largest of Laser Rigs! ER Productions supplied 23 high-powered OPSL systems totaling 497watts.

3 artists requested lasers for their performances and ER Production’s worked closely with the shows LD Dave Davey to ensure all effects required were executed correctly and safely. It was the quality of the ops diodes, Pangolin Systems and advanced laser show knowledge that ER Production’s brings to the table that helped ER Production’s produce the TV white looks along with the vibrant colours required.

Arctic Monkey’s who opened the show used 3 x 21w RGBB ops lasers systems up-stage center, just behind the band. The laser accompanied the track ‘ R U MINE ‘ and used white and yellow colours.

Next was Katy Perry who’s neon Cleopatra theme suited the laser looks incredibly well. It was important to achieve different styles from the 3 laser rigs so for Katy it was decided to concentrate the majority on the power on-stage. It was also a great opportunity to utilize the large matt white BRIT Statue with some laser mapping effects. This came from 2 x 25w RGBYC OPS systems with high-speed 60k scanners located at FOH. This was a truly unique effect and one ER Production’s has never delivered for a live TV show. The neon theme also allowed them to use really bright greens, magentas and cyan’s which show up on camera really well. The end result looked great and added an effective layer to the laser display.

To top this up, ER rigged 6 x 21w RGBB OPS systems onto the curve truss’s, stage left and right with 2 x 24w Greens hung centrally on a mid-truss. The focus for these was the pit cameras, which shot up through the performance catching all the laser effects. The final performance was for Ellie Goulding who used 12 x 21w RGBB OPS systems and diffracted burst effects. The lasers accompanied the track burn with white and yellow effects throughout with the final verse using the red diffracted effects. ER Production’s metered the audience exposure effects on-site to ensure they all were below MPE. All together this made for a huge laser installation and we are very happy with the end result.

The show was run on 2 separate networks, and a PANGOLIN Beyond system for the mapping. In total 26 PANGOLINS were networked and worked perfectly throughout. More information on Pangolin, and how their systems are used in the field is available online at, and on their Facebook page at

Atmospherics were supplied by 4 Look Solutions Viper Delux ‘s and as with all our shows we used our ER E-STOP interface for quick shutdown. Its not often we have to link 3 of them together but the with 4 inputs and 10 outputs we were able to easily adapt the system to just the one E-STOP button at FOH. More information on ER Productions (and ILDA Member company) is available on their website:

Laser Show Projectors – How to make them last longer



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